Thursday, October 28, 2010

Spiritual Spell List

Here is where I plan to put all Spiritual Magic Spells. I plan to use a simple template like this:

Spell Name:   name of spell
History:  a brief description of how the spell developed in game terms
Maximum Casting Time:   maximum number of 6 second segments that the caster can chant/pray/evoke to help add to their casting skill check at the rate of 1 point per 6 seconds. The caster can continue past the maximum time without penulty, but there is no further bonus.
Minimum Casting Cost (Base Duration):   this is the minimum total of the casting skill roll necessary to successfully cast the spell (duration that spell will lasts is in parenthesis)
Overage Effect:   the amount rolled on the casting skill check over the Minimum Casting Cost is the Overage- usually the overage adds to the duration of the spell, but may have other effects.
Spell Effect:   effect of the successfully casted spell.
Range:   most spiritual spells are touch based, but there are spells where the spirits aid the caster by carrying the effect a certain distance.

Spell Name:   Bless Action
History:   As the proto-religions first came to be throughout the various cultures, the primitive shamans evoked their gods for assistance.  This spell represents the first, minimal response of the gods to the faithful.
Maximum Casting Time:   1 round.
Minimum Casting Cost (Base Duration):  40 points (1 round)
Overage Effect:   1 extra round duration per point of overage.
Spell Effect:  For the first round and any additional rounds, the recipient of this spell receives assistance from the gods in the form of a 1d6 bonus to any action of their choice. The recipient may change the focus of the bonus die at the beginning of their turn each round. Actions can include any skill or ability check, including those skills that the recipient has no training in. This bonus is stackable, if multiple casters cast it upon the same recipient, but each duration is determined by each different caster's roll.
Range:  Touch

Spell Name:   Commune With Spirits
History:   Over time, as casters became attuned to the spirit world, they realized that they could call upon spirits of those they knew in life to speak with.
Maximum Casting Time:   3 rounds.
Minimum Casting Cost (Base Duration):   80 points (1 minute)
Overage Effect:  15 seconds per point over (note-the spirit can extend the visitation with their own power, if they wish)
Spell Effect:   The caster calls upon the spirit of dead to commune with. The caster will know when the spirit is present, though no visible sign may appear. Spirits have their own abilities, and do not have to answer a request of this sort, though the caster will sense the spirit's rebuff if denied communion. Spirits are just as likely to start asking questions as answer them, and are not compelled with this spell to answer or even speak. Handled with proper respect, though, spirits will respond. The caster will have the most benefit from someone they know well, and when the spirit is called near a site they frequented in life. Casting is aided by holding an item used/worn by the spirit being call (i.e., a sword, ring, hat, note, etc) The more personal the item was to the spirit during their life, the more it will aid the spell casting.
Range: not applicable. If the spirit is not answering, try again at another of their old haunts...spirits are limited by where they can appear.

Spell Name:   Barter with Spirit
History:  Once casters learned they could commune with spirits, they learned that spirits need spiritual energy to sustain themselves. Casters learned to hold the overage of the their spell to offer in exchange for services of the spirit. The caster must always pay first, and the spirits usually comply (they are not bond to do so, but many spirits will cater to casters).
Maximum Casting Time:   2 rounds
Minimum Casting Cost (Base Duration):   120 (4 rounds)
Overage Effect:   Held in reserve and given to the spirit in payment. Can be negated, if the caster decides not to deal with the spirit summoned.
Spell Effect:   acts as Commune with Spirit, but caster negotates with spirit to perform a simple task, such as scout beyond a closed door, activate trap (if spirit is capable), translate language (if spirit can), etc. In general, spirits can not manipulate more than 1 lb of pressure in the material world (more powerful spirits can) and will not do more than the bare minimum requested. Typically, spirits will not stay around beyond a 5 pts/ round maximum after the initial 4 round duration.
Range:   only spirits who haunt the given area are likely to hear the request, unless the caster has a specific focus to summon a particular spirit.

Spell Name:   Spiritual Aura
History:  As dealings with spirits became more advanced, casters studied how to read the auras of spirits to better understand the nature of the spirits encountered.
Maximum Casting Time:   5 rounds.
Minimum Casting Cost (Base Duration):   160 (10 rounds)
Overage Effect:   1 round extra duration per point over.
Spell Effect:   Allows a caster to see spirits through the filter of their own experience. That is to say, each spirit (in a living being, spirit being, or spiritual effect) they see will be associated in their mind with the god-like force in the caster's pantheon that best represents the spirit encountered. Thus, the caster can associate the spirit with the spirit's spiritual goals or ideas. While not foolproof, it can aid the caster in dealing with strangers.
Range:   Any spirit they are Communing with (per Commune with Spirit spell) or 10 feet.

Spell Name:   Heal Wounds
History:  It was not long before shamans were asking for the favor of healing wounds from their gods.
Maximum Casting Time:   1 round.
Minimum Casting Cost (Base Duration):   80 (instant)
Overage Effect:   each point over heals one additional point on the recipient.
Spell Effect:   Accelerates the natural healing process, stopping all bleeding and heals 1 point.
Range:   Touch.

Spell Name:   Cure Disease
History:  this was yet another boon asked of the gods.
Maximum Casting Time:   10 rounds.
Minimum Casting Cost (Base Duration):  Special-based on type of disease. Bacterial 40, Viral 80, Cancerous 160, Organ Failure 320, Genetic 640. Magical-Various.
Overage Effect:   see below
Spell Effect:   recipient is instantly cured of any disease below the roll of the caster. Other diseases above the roll are slowed for the number of rounds of overage from the highest category cured by the caster's roll. Magical diseases have their own target, which the character will not know.
Range:   Touch.

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