Sunday, October 24, 2010

Just One Spell

Taking a fresh look at spells has lead to the primary Spiritual Magic spell, Bless Action. As early cultures discovered the nature of spiritual magic, they learned how to ask for assistance. This simple evocation of a spiritual entity for aid garnered a significant assistance for any number of activities. In game terms, this assistance comes in the form of 1d6 bonus to be added to whatever action the blessed is attempting. The blessed individual can use the bonus 1d6 on only one activity per combat round, but can change the activity the next round, and each round until the spell expires. So, in the first round, the blessed individual can add the bonus die to his attack, then in the second round, add the bonus to his attempt to jump a chasm, then in the third round add the 1d6 to his fire resistance as he runs though a wall of fire, etc.

The upshot is that the flexability of this spell would effectively replaces in all or majority over a dozen different D&D spells.

The target for this spell is a roll of 40 or better. It is the easiest spell to cast, but there will be several that are similar in target. Of course, there are more powerful spells with much higher targets. I've been working on Spiritual spells first, and have identified about 20 spells so far. I'm trying to keep the design of the spells in line with the concept of how they were disovered.

Bless Action is derived from those first shamans calling for assistance and receiving it! These shamans learned that the chant they used and the symbols they used aided their casting. Thus, the spell shows how these help.

Our example again:
Let's say our hero, Braegar, is going to cast the spell Bless Action, which has a threshold target of 40. Braegar has a Spirituality of 4d6 (giving him 8d6 Faith Dice), a Evocation Skill of 2d6, and a quality holy symbol. Braegar can spend the entire minute of casting time praying aloud for a 10 point bonus to his coming roll (1 point per 6 sec to a 10 pt max), and he has a quality holy symbol (which provides another 5 pt bonus to his roll). Braegar cast his spell rolling a 2d6 for his evocation skill and 8d6 of his Faith Dice for a total of 34. when added to the 10 points for the full prayer and 5 more for his holy symbol, his total is 49, nine more than his threshold. Not only was he successful, but his spell will last 9 additional combat rounds (49-40=9) past the first. Braegar has used all his Faith Dice Pool to cast the spell, and cannot cast another until he replenishes at least 1 die. One die minimum is required from the Faith Dice Pool to cast any spell. Braegar didn't have to use all his faith dice at once, but he chose to.
Braegar can replenish his Faith Dice pool by praying/meditating as follows:

15 mins= 1 Faith Die renewed
30 mins= 2 Faith Dice renewed
45 mins= 4 Faith Dice renewed
60 mins= 8 Faith Dice renewed
75 mins= 16 Faith Dice renewed
90 mins= 32 Faith Dice renewed

This must be uninterrupted prayer/communion. The character can be moving (slow walking on riding only) and recoup dice, but it takes twice as long to gain the dice back (30 min segments instead of 15). Any interruption will cause the process to start over. For instance, if the prayer was interrupted at 20 mins, 1 Faith Die would be renewed, and the process could start over.

Faith Dice represent the amount of spirit power that the skill of the caster can pool at one time. Various rituals and items can aid in filling or expanding the Faith Dice pool, but more on that later.

Regardless of culture, Bless Action is the foundation of spirit magic casting.

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