Friday, October 22, 2010

Let's Build Some Characters-Abilities

To build characters, we should start with Abilities. Abilities represent the characters natural gifts and talents and are divided into the physical, mental and emotional. Most games simplify Abilities to just a few, but that limits later development and the possible variances.

Physical Abilities:
Strength-pure physical strength
Reaction-quickness of reflex actions
Athletics-ability to move the body, coordination.
Health-pure physical endurance
Attractiveness-pure physical attractiveness

Mental Abilities:
Focus-ability to concentrate
Intelligence-ability to learn or solve problems
Willpower-resistance to fatigue or attack of the mind

Emotional Abilities:
Spirituality-level that soul is attuned to the spiritual forces of the universe
Charisma-ability to influence others through emotions
Resilience-ability of the soul to resist influence/attack
Luck-how attuned the spirit is to the opportunities of chance

Average human characters start with 3d6 in each of these 12 abilities, except Luck which starts at 1d6. Players may distribute 40d6 dice into the 12 Abilities as they wish, with a minimum of 1d6 in any score, and a maximum of 5d6 in any score, except Luck, which has a 3d6 maximum. Note that 1d6 in an ability represents a clear disability, 2d6 is a simple deficiency.

These maximums are only represent character creation maximums, as there are no racial maximums at this time.

Other races will start differently, but those have not been developed at this point.


  1. I would think Toughness would be physical and maybe Willpower or Ego or something similar would be used for the 'mental toughness'.

  2. Willpower makes more sense. Thanks for the idea!
