Friday, October 22, 2010

Faith Dice Pool for Spirit Magic Casters

While magical spellcasting is not limited to slots per day, there are practical considerations to how casting is limited. Elemental magic requires materials to fuel the casting, and these are not always available. More on this later. Right now, let's take a look at how spiritual energies are replenished.

Spirit Magic skills are based on the Spirituality (Emotional) Ability. Faith Dice, which represent a renewable energy pool to power Spirit Magic spells, are derived from this ability. The starting Faith Dice total is twice the Spirituality dice total. More on that later. Spirit Magic is used to cast spells. Each spell has a threshold target number that skill dice are rolled to surpass to successfully cast the spell.


Let's say our hero, Braegar, is going to cast the spell Bless Action, which has a threshold target of 40. Braegar has a Spirituality of 4d6 (giving him 8d6 Faith Dice), a Evocation Skill of 2d6, and a quality holy symbol. Braegar can spend the entire minute of casting time praying aloud for a 10 point bonus to his coming roll (1 point per 6 sec to a 10 pt max), and he has a quality holy symbol (which provides another 5 pt bonus to his roll). Braegar cast his spell rolling a 2d6 for his evocation skill and 8d6 of his Faith Dice for a total of 34. when added to the 10 points for the full prayer and 5 more for his holy symbol, his total is 49, nine more than his threshold. Not only was he successful, but his spell will last 9 additional combat rounds (49-40=9) past the first. Braegar has used all his Faith Dice Pool to cast the spell, and cannot cast another until he replenishes at least 1 die. One die minimum is required from the Faith Dice Pool to cast any spell. Braegar didn't have to use all his faith dice at once, but he chose to.
Braegar can replenish his Faith Dice pool by praying/meditating as follows:

15 mins= 1 Faith Die renewed
30 mins= 2 Faith Dice renewed
45 mins= 4 Faith Dice renewed
60 mins= 8 Faith Dice renewed
75 mins= 16 Faith Dice renewed
90 mins= 32 Faith Dice renewed

This must be uninterrupted prayer/communion. The character can be moving (slow walking on riding only) and recoup dice, but it takes twice as long to gain the dice back (30 min segments instead of 15). Any interruption will cause the process to start over. For instance, if the prayer was interrupted at 20 mins, 1 Faith Die would be renewed, and the process could start over.

Our example character, Braegar, is not a priest. So, his spells are simply a bonus to his primary skills in Melee.

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