Sunday, February 20, 2011

Elemental Spell List

Spell Name:   Resistance to Elements
School: Any
History:  As early caster explored areas of intense elemental nature, or to protect themselves from their own experiments, they developed this spell to help protect themselves.
Maximum Casting Time:   1 round
Minimum Casting Cost (Base Duration):   40 (10 minutes)
Overage Effect:   each point over adds a minute to the duration
Spell Effect:   provides 1d6 damage reduction from the element described (fire, cold, water, air, earth, metal, wood, magic, etc). These effects can be stacked.
Range:   touch.

Spell Name:   Jet of Cold
School: Ice
History:  an early attack crafted by ice mages.
Maximum Casting Time:   5 turns
Minimum Casting Cost (Base Duration):   40 (instant)
Overage Effect:   for every six points over, the mages may choose to extend the length of the jet an addition 5 feet or add +1 to the damage total.
Spell Effect:   creates a roughly 5 inch diameter jet of cold energy to emanate from the caster's hand and travel 40 ft, causing 1d6 base damage. if forty feet of space is not available, the effect my rebound off solid surfaces.
Range:   as described.

Spell Name:   Detect Poison
School: Any
History:  caster want useful knowledge
Maximum Casting Time:   10 turns
Minimum Casting Cost (Base Duration):   40 (1 minute)
Overage Effect:   caster may either extend distance 1 ft per 1 point overage, or they can use the overage to overcome anti-detection magics.
Spell Effect:   detects poisons within 10 ft radius, and with overage can detect hidden poisons.
Range:   touch

Spell Name:   Stun
School: Perception
History:  mages who specialize in mind attacks discovered this dulling attack.
Maximum Casting Time:   1 turn
Minimum Casting Cost (Base Duration):   40 (instant)
Overage Effect:   each overage point extends distance 1 foot.
Spell Effect:  A blunt attack of mental energy (3d6 potency) is aimed at the target. Target saves vs Willpower. Every point over the willpower roll is a combat round that the target is stunned. If the attack fails to stun the target, the target knows from where the target originated.
Range:   20 feet.

Spell Name:   Flash
School: Fire or light.
History: as casters started learning how to use magic to make flame and light, they learned the value of a flash of light as an attack.
Maximum Casting Time:   6 rounds
Minimum Casting Cost (Base Duration):   40 (instant)
Overage Effect:   every 10 points over (rounded down) adds 1d6 to the attack strength. Max 6d6.
Spell Effect:   A flash of light (power 3d6) blinds one seeing target. Target saves verses Health. For each point of above the health role, the target is blinded for 1 turn.
Range:   line of sight.

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